Hey ZoidSters,.

30 Jul 2023, 14:09
Hey ZoidSters, We promised transparency, so here I am with an update regarding the SuperApp testing planned for this week and, please, bear with me, long text ahead, but all the details are important! I want to start by highlighting that, app wise, we are more than ready to go and, before having any other rumours, I am sharing a screen recording, directly from the beta version, from my phone. Guys, the app is not a promise or a roadmap checkpoint, it is a fact! Unfortunately, we are forced to briefly postpone the testing due to the fact that we have a stopping point in which regards the distribution and mean of access of the testing version towards our testers. Just to be clear, the flow is: testers - mean of access (Android APK/ Apple) - app; We have 2/3 checked- testers ready, app ready but, while Android APK can be easly shared and decompiled, Apple has a track record of making it dificult of publishing applications, especially ones that feature payment and crypto operations, so here we are… What truly matters: Our SuperApp is in its final steps for release. Regarding the features contained by our application it should be clear that we are tackling a huge endeavour. We are creating an application that combines the main features of TrustWallet, Revolut and UniSwap. Currently we are testing the following: 1. distribution process for our SuperApp 2. scaling 3. security 4. banking & cards integration Points 1 & 2 & 3 are related. In order to have an realistic test to our infrastructure and security we cannot push the application fully public. Here comes the skipping point mentioned above - Android APKs easily shared and decompiled, whereas Apple tends to implement stricter measures when it comes to app publishing, especially for applications involving payment and crypto operations. On point 2 we are optimizing the number of requests done for crypto wallets data. As a feature that is not present on any other crypto wallet we are showing the user the amount of crypto assets in all of it's wallets at the same time. No major wallet does this at the moment. Our stress testing showed that we need to scale up our in house blockchain explorers. Point 4 is limited by the sandbox environment as at the moment. One example is that the only testing method of cards is with actual real ones. There is no support for demo debit cards in the banking system so we cannot push it to the public at the moment. Please be assured that we are working on getting this sorted out asap and that it is just a matter of days! We understand your frustration as we are also sharing the same feeling seeing the context but, trust me, we are getting there and we are getting there soon!